1946 Brooklyn Dodgers-St. Louis Cardinals Playoff
The 1946 National League pennant race was a nail-biter right to the end of September. Brooklyn played well throughout the campaign and the season ended in a tie with the St. Louis Cardinals--both teams won 96 and lost 58. This was the first ever tie-breaker in Major Legue Baseball. The first game was played at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis, and the second, at Brooklyn's Ebbets Field. The three-game playoff ended with the Cardinals winning both games.
This page highlights the following artifacts from the 1946 Playoff Series:
1946 phantom Brooklyn World Series Press Pin. As the season drew to a close, the Dodgers' front office, anticipating a pennant victory, was compelled to confirm an order for their World Series press pins (due to the standard lead-time of manufacture). This they did. The order was executed, but the Dodgers wilted in the final hours of the season and contented themselves to listen to the World Series on the radio. Dutifully, the manufacturer (Dieges & Clust) fulfilled the press pin order, and some of those 1946 Dodger World Series press pins (known as phantoms) survive to this day.
Brooklyn phantom World Series tickets. Since the World Series would have begun in Brooklyn if the Dodgers had won the best-of-three game playoff, the Dodgers printed tickets for Games 1, 2, 6, and 7. Images of the Reserved Seat tickets for Game 1, 2, and 6 are shown here.
Brooklyn Playoff game tickets. On October 3, 1946, the Dodgers hosted the Cardinals for game 1 at Ebbets Field. The Cardinals won 8 to 4. The Dodgers used undated Grand Stand tickets for this game. On this page are reflected two tickets for the game where Game No. 66 tickets wereused and another ticket where a Game No. 67 ticket was used.
Brooklyn press passes. Game 3 of the playoff series would have been played in Brooklyn. A full press pass is shown for Game 3 as well as stub for Game 2.
Brooklyn phantom World Series Program. Harry M. Stevens Co. printed at least a few copies of a World Series program that would have been used if games were played in Brooklyn. The program is comprised 40 pages (including the front and rear covers, which for some reason are counted in the page numbering sequence). The Dodgers photos and sketches are on pages 13 through 17; the score pages are on pages 21 and 23; and the Red Sox photos and sketches are on pages 25 through 29.
Note: If you have tickets for the 1946 playoff other than depicted on this page, I will appreciate receiving a scan of the tickets. I have not seen a playoff ticket from Game 1 in St. Louis, October 1, 1946 or a dated ticket for Game 2 in Brooklyn.